Important Information On Your Delivery

  • Your flowers will be delivered between 7.30am and 6.30pm. Business deliveries will be delivered 9am to 5pm. NO TIME IS GIVEN DUE TO VOLUME OF ORDERS. 
  • We are UNABLE to offer A.M or P.M Delivery Times  - please see above for delivery times. 
  • All orders require BOTH RECIPIENT (SHIPPING) AND CUSTOMER ( BILLING) Name, Address and Phone Numbers Please. Shipping is the Recipient who receives the Gift, and Billing is You our Customer.
  • If the Recipient is not at home or not at the work address provided, your gift will be left in a safe place or with Reception Staff for Businesses. 
  • Please also note that during peak periods, WE ARE UNABLE TO PROVIDE OUR NORMAL PHOTO SERVICE - this means we will not be able to send you a photo of the product being sent before it leaves our studio. Please know however that our team will always make it as close to the photo as possible & it will always be fresh and beautiful.